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Types of investing: top-down vs bottom-up

The world of trading is a complex and multi-faceted one, and there are many different approaches to investing. In this blog post, we’ll go over two different types of investing: top-down and bottom-up, and see how you can use both modes to make the most of your trading.   Top-down investing Top-down investing is an […]

How to manage risks in trading with the 1 percent risk rule

Trading can be a useful way to earn big on global markets, but these big rewards also come with big risks. Money and risk management techniques are an essential part of trading to ensure these risks don’t translate to massive losses, and the 1 percent risk rule is a useful risk management method to help […]
technical analysis

Fundamental analysis: The basics

Fundamental analysis can be an important tool in your trading operations, and is a major method of market analysis with a lot of utility in a number of global markets. But what is fundamental analysis, and how can you use it to make sound trading decisions? Read on to find out the basics.     […]

Psychology of trading- how to keep a clear head in these trying times

In these difficult times, maintaining control over your mental faculties can be tough for even the simplest of tasks, and trading is anything but a simple task. There are a number of psychological pitfalls you could inadvertently fall for, which in the world of trading could cost you a lot of money. Here are some […]

Money Management: How to stay on top of your trading

Why is money management important? On the face of it, money management seems like a pretty straightforward task. You just have to be smart while investing it right? Well, there’s a lot more to it than that. Effective money management is all about making informed and smart decisions when it comes to investing, spending, budgeting […]